Published by smihca

a plant based whole food, yes also oil free, integral man who lives through company with his husband and a cat. Practicing every day somatic retuning and intuning ( Lives in Madrid. Musician. yoga teacher. meditator. Is fascinated by the macrobiotic way of living. Is seeing the need of permaculture and an integral way of living. Doesn't like dogma. Likes the playing of Gustav Leonhardt and the singing of Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, James Bowman and Janet Baker. Gets in touch of the depth of music through Daniil Trifonov etc. Discovered recently the delicious taste of yet another Chinese tea. GongFu brewing addicted. Doesn't use Facebook anymore but is into drawing instead. Works with Burga Schwarzbach's Bodydisposition for Singers (and not singers) and is therefore working with the I Ching. Title: 'In die Weite gehen' - "into the openness/spaciousness".

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